Important Community Contacts/Resources
1. Alan Holmes – Code Enforcement 470-602-8399 (cell) acholmes@atlantaga.gov or Officer Parham at: tparham@atlantaga.gov 404-295-6045 (cell)
If you would like to report a property under construction without a permit, please call Code Busters at: 404-865-8550.
2. Local Representative Information
Councilman Byron D. Amos
- Atlanta City Council District 3
- Office – 404.330.6046
- Cell – 404.587.6811
- bdamos@atlantaga.gov
Councilman Dustin Hill’s Office
- Atlanta City Council District 9
- Office: 404-330-6044
- drhillis@atlantaga.gov
3. NPU University – 404-546-0158
4. To report unpermitted construction activity email Mr Tray Smith at: CodeBustersDCP@atlantaga.gov or call 404-865-8550. You may also visit the following website: https://www.atlantaga.gov/Home/Components/News/News/13482/1338
5. For more information on code regulations: municode.com
6. For permit information: http://permits.atlantaga.gov
7. For Property information: http://gis.atlantaga.gov/propertyinfo
8. For more information on the Atlanta Urban Design Commission: Design Awards 2021 bit.ly/UDCawards9. Public hearings: https://www.atlantaga.gov/government/departments/city-planning
10. Octavia Lang – Community Resource Advocate with the YWCA of Greater Atlanta. If you would like information, please contact her at: 404-420-5800
11. Ashley Sanchez – Representative for the Center Hill Bylaws Committee is needed. Please contact Ms Sanchez at: ashcapitalholdings@gmail.com
12. Good Samaritan Health Center has free rapid COVID testing Monday-Saturday. Please call: 404-523-657113. Also, recycling bins are now emptied every other week, the weekly pick ups will resume during the week of June 7.
13. Atlanta Habitat for Humanity has just added the Center Hill Community to it’s list of neighborhoods where we offer our Repair with Kindness program. I would love the opportunity to share this information at the June neighborhood meeting if time and space allows. https://atlantahabitat.org/programs/repair-opportunities/
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