Category Archives: Events

3.8.25 | Center Hill Community Cleanup

Let’s come together to make our neighborhood a cleaner, greener place! Grab your gloves and help us pick up trash around the neighborhood – every hand makes a difference. Arrive by 9:30 for light refreshments. Street parking is available, car pool is strongly encouraged. Gloves, garbage bags, and trash tongs will be provided.

September / October 2021 Important dates

Available now
Legacy Resident Property Tax Assistance
You may be eligible for property tax assistance. Learn more about the program here:

September 14th
Atlanta City Council Candidate Forum. Hear from District 9 candidates at at 12:30 to 1:15pm.

September 15th
COVID-19 Vaccinations will be available in Grove Park from 5pm to 7:30pm.

Regional E-SPLOST 2022 Community and Go Teams Meetings (Second Round)

September 20 – South Atlanta/Jackson/Douglass Clusters
September 21 – North Atlanta/Carver/Washington Clusters
September 23 – Therrell/Grady (Midtown)/Mays Clusters

September 25th
Cary Park + Almond Park Clean up, 9:30 to 12pm. 
Meet at 2387 Summit Ave NW

NPU-J Clean up: “Living Clean as we Clean our Community” – from 9am to 12noon.
We are meeting at 676 Hortense Place, Atlanta Georgia 30318. Register here

September 27th
Public hearing for the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) at 6pm. This is an important discussion to help guide future development in our community.

September 28th
NPU J General Body Meeting at 6:30pm

October 4th
Last day to register to vote for the Atlanta mayoral and city council elections.

October 7th
CHNA Monthly meeting at 6:30pm via Zoom

Have an event you’d like to share? Email

Earth Day 2021 events around Center Hill

Illustration of hand holding Earth

This Earth Day there are lots of ways you can get out, enjoy the beautiful weather and make an impact in our community.

NPU-J Beautification committee is coordinating NPU-wide flower plantings and clean-ups in each neighborhood in NPU-J this Saturday, April 24th at 9:00 a.m. If you would like to participate, send an email to Raquel Hill or Miranda Blais highlighting an intersection in your neighborhood that needs some TLC (litter pick-up and flower plantings).

Westside Future Fund is organizing a community clean up and butterfly trail. Please bring your own tools. Saturday, April 24th 9am to 12pm. Meet at: 783 Ponds, Atlanta, GA 30314. You can register here:

Kroger Round Up Program is partnering with Keep Atlanta Beautiful. Round up your purchase at Kroger all month and 100% of proceeds will go to Keep Atlanta Beautiful. Watch the piece on WSB-TV or read more here.

Finally, CHNA has an Instagram account and we need your photos! We’re hosting a photo competition with the theme Spring in Center Hill. Tag @centerhillatlanta with your photos, we’ll repost them to the account. We’ll announce the winner at the next community meeting and they’ll receive a CHNA t-shirt!